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Glad you brought this up, anon.
Zero has some interesting properties explored in the book, Zero, the Biography of a Dangerous Idea. Did you know that our European ancestors were afraid of zero? It was purposely ignored in the Pythagorean system (and in Roman numerals) and at one time, was banned in Florence, a major center of European trade with the East. It became known in Florence when arrived from the East with Arabic numerals, which possess a true zero. Who brought it back? Fibonacci--a merchant's son--in 1202.
The problem was that ZERO is a quantum number that introduces paradox and thus leads us beyond the known world into the unknown. It's opposite is INFINITY.
If you have the all the tweets where POTUS mentions zero, it might worth posting them here so we can take a look. Maybe POTUS is trying to tell us something about Infinity Chan (8chan).