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Jennifer Newsom also fawns on Geralyn Dreyfus in this video.  Here are some pics of her standing with the people who made the movie about the kids being sexually molested in Calcutta.  This is in 2004. They freaking knew and they raised money for gender bullshit.  They freaking knew the whole time.


The Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, a prostitutes' organization active in Sonagachi, has criticized the film for presenting the children's parents as abusive and for ignoring the prostitutes' efforts to provide education programs and career building activities for their children.[8] In addition, the film has been criticized in India for perceived racist stereotyping, and has also been viewed as exploiting the children for the purposes of Indophobic propaganda in the West.[9] A review in Frontline, India's national magazine, summarized this criticism, remarking:

    IF Born Into Brothels were remade as an adventure-thriller in the tradition of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, its posters might read: "New York film-maker Zana Briski sallies forth among the natives to save souls.[9]

Some critics joined the Sonagachi prostitute-advocacy groups in condemning the film for exploitation of the plight of the prostitutes for profit.[10] Other criticisms were raised about "ethical and stylistic" problems, by Partha Banerjee, interpreter between the filmmakers and the children.[11]