"I am Become Politician" - Donald J Trump

(This has been nagging at me for days now. It's not a quote, he didn't say that. It's a title, as if for an article or essay.)

"... but I am not, nor intend to be a politician. I am the President of the United States of America. I made my intentions clear, I was duly elected, I swore to the Oath of Office. My job description does not include running (pandering) for reelection. My job, its duties, powers and limitations, are defined by our Constitution.

"So we will see what happens with the upcoming election. Meanwhile, I'll be focusing on my job, and I hope and expect that our elected and appointed officials will be doing likewise.

"Please take some time to review and contemplate the Preamble to our Constitution. 

"God bless America and God bless us all."

[ insert Preamble ]


(This, to my mind, would mark a shift to more deliberately confronting the insurrection, perhaps many changes in what we have come to expect from President Trump - tweets?  rallies? - and possibly something like martial law.

... Just trying to see what to do with this nagging thought.