For instance, the first part of the February 1911 issue of the Bulletin contained the following articles (Tenney 1911: 348):
The organization of social life among termites
The adaptation of mentally abnormal individuals to society
The influence of the social environment upon the lower classes in great cities
The influence of “conventionality” in the appreciation of works of art
Why war, from the point of view of the psychology of conflict, is becoming less destructive of human life in spite of development in armaments
Group organization on the basis of common interests
The rôle of personal names in primitive organization
The conditions determining the modification of the technique of a primitive people, when influenced by contact with a semi-civilized population
The determination by environment of the direction of technical invention
The evolution of ideas which sustain classes and the social hierarchy
Conscious and unconscious modes of transmitting rituals
The function of human instinct and that of the social environment in the development of morals
A sociological interpretation of a new jurisprudence
On the sociological conception of law
Geography and sociology
Certain applications of the comparative method in the history of art.
While the issue published in April of the same year contained the following critical reviews and discussions
Variations in the effects of cerebral lesions of the same localization, according to the degreeof culture of individuals
Mental reactions and social reactions
Evolution and revolution in epochs of social reorganization
Persistence of primitive organization in English society of the Middle Ages
The determinism of successive adaptations in the financial administration of the Romans
Conflict of adaptations in social evolution
Concerning the connections between technical inventions and their influence upon the organization of industry
Concerning the rôle of manufacturing on a large scale upon the concentration of certain industrie
An example of the theoretic exaggeration of the social power of money
The formation of oligarchies in political parties
The rôle of Iogical systems in the movements of opinion
The apparent social character of prayer
The influence of political factors upon the evolution of religions
The evolution of assemblies
The conditions of the penetration of new ideas in primitive mentality
The rôle of sociology and that of statistics in the explanation of social facts (a review of Charles A. Ellwood’s Sociology and Modern Social Problems)