Has anyone else been shadow banned from gab.com or downvoated into oblivion (essentially banned) on voat.co?
I can't even log in anymore. This page is all I get. I tried everything to get back into my account, but I can't even get to the main ordinary gab.com page to even try to log in.
I only get this screen. I do not get any indication I have been banned, I am only simply locked out now without any reason to why or how.

Someone is going to be a bitch and call this a blogpost so here have your blogpost warning okay bitch? Warning: Blogpost warning.

Imporant things to note:
I tried voat.co because it's supposed to be a reddit altrernative, but it has the same communist social credit system as reddit. If you tell the truth, bad people downvote you and this takes your communist social credit points away, thus essentially censoring you by having your points in the negatives, which only allows you to post once per day, last time I ever used the site before I just left it behind forever.
Eventually I started using gab.com
These are some things about me, and things I would talk about on both gab and voat:
Telling the truth, even if it's politically correct. I never went into """"""racist"""""" territory, but I was very politically incorrect. However, I never went as far as other people who use those sites, who seem to share very extreme things that I never even got close to saying or doing, which makes me question why I'm being shut down or locked out or shadow banned considering I never went as far as I saw other people going. One thing I always did was TELL THE TRUTH, NO MATTER WHAT.
I don't even know if you can see my profile anymore, it might have been disappeared away, but my user name on gab.com was @BroDoYouEvenDrift
I am fairly conservative, I love GOD, I like Q, Trump, and talking about conspiracy theories, and there is very much discussion about those things on gab.com and voat.co