350K Dead Registrants, Ballots Counted 9 Days After Election Day: What the Heck Is Going On?

Let me ask that again: With 350,000 dead registered voters across 42 states — including two critical swing states — to one state allowing ballots to be counted up to nine days after election day, what the heck is going on with America’s presidential election process?

More importantly, what the heck is going on with the integrity of America’s presidential election process?

With the election just 40 days away, the pitched battle between the Democrat Party and Donald Trump over the safety (integrity, security, validity; you pick) of mail-in voting, among other charges of voter fraud, continues to intensify.

As I reported in a piece earlier today titled MSNBC’s ayes Goes Full-Bore Wingnut: Trump Openly Plotting ‘Coup to Steal the Election’, conspiracy-theorist MSNBC host Chris Hayes laid out for his viewers his belief that Trump is “plotting, in open, in public, repeatedly, a coup to steal the election and hold onto power.”

Hayes cited comments about mail-in voting Trump made earlier in the day, which included, in part: “We will have to see what happens. You know that. I have been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

While it’s a foregone conclusion that both sides will accuse the other of cheating, legitimate reasons exist to be concerned about the integrity of voting in the 2020 election.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, an election watchdog has found that there may be as many as 350,000 dead individuals on voter rolls across 42 states — 51 percent of them in just five states, including the critical swing states of Florida, Michigan, and Texas.
