How is OBAMAGATE Tied to the BEATLES? Something tells me, this goes way deeper… 

KEK time posted 2:23. Mirror 322

DOJ To Charge 2 British ISIS Militants Accused Of Role In Killing U.S. Hostages

In 2015, the U.S. made its first request to the British government for evidence that the U.K. had collected in its own investigation of Kotey, Elsheikh and others. Britain, which had stripped the men of their citizenship, had concerns about handing the materials over to the U.S. because the Justice Department could pursue the death penalty against the men.

In 2018, the British government relented after deciding that having Kotey and Elsheikh stand trial in the U.S. was the best approach. It agreed to transfer the evidence without a guarantee from Washington not to seek the death penalty.

But that move was put on hold after Elsheikh's mother filed a lawsuit in the U.K. challenging the decision.

In August, Attorney General William Barr provided the British government assurances that the United States would not seek to execute the men if they were tried and convicted. He also warned that the U.S. would hand Kotey and Elsheikh to Iraqi authorities for prosecution if the British government failed to resolve the issue by Oct. 15.