"You have 45 years
Could this have been a prophetic utterance regarding the years of DJT's presidency?
This anon retains a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to reading near-death-experience stories. The same was true in reading this one. Except...something struck me as odd when Dr. Ritchie was told,"You have 45 years." One might naturally think that it meant he had 45 years to live.
This was in 1943 when he was 20 years old. Forty-five years from then would be 1988, but Dr. Ritchie died in 2007 (sauce below). So, it is unlikely that it was about his lifespan.
For context, Jesus had shown Ritchie two scenarios for the outcome of the world. One was a path to near human extinction. The other was one of greater peace and better humanity. After the second scenario is when Jesus said, "You have 45 years."
In thinking about this, a thought came to me. Could it have been something prophetic? Instead of meaning, "You," (Dr. Ritchie) "have 45 years," could He have meant, "You," (Humanity), have 'THE 45 YEARS,' meaning the years of the presidency of DJT? "Those years will determine which of the two scenarios becomes your reality.
Excerpt from Dr. Ritchie's NDE:
"I came to this planet to show you through the life I led how to love. Without OUR FATHER you can do nothing, neither could I. I showed you this. You have 45 years.”
"He then gave me orders to return to the human plane and mentally said, “You have 45 years.” I had no understanding at that moment what he meant by 45 years."
Sauce for the story:
Sauce for Dr. Ritchie: