Thanks. Here's a Politico blurb on a release by the same cmte on Sept 6:
— Domestic terrorism, revisited: The internet’s role in fueling domestic terrorism is garnering more attention among federal lawmakers, who deposed 8chan’s owner and will today hold a field hearing in Texas on anti-immigrant violence, following mass shootings linked to online radicalization.
Notice how the media is trying to use the phrase "domestic terrorism" as much as possible, but only of course to describe moderate or conservative groups, not leftists. Part of their campaign to push the FBI to designate specific groups as domestic terrorist groups (NRA) or to maintain that the "domestic terrorist" designation is a bona fide FBI category (as per Yahoo's questionable story last month; see Praying Medic's excellent thread showing it's likely fake: https://threader.app/thread/1157151320786128896 )