qmap.pub uses "drop" numbers, whereas the other post-scraper/aggregator site uses the actual chan POST numbers
> FFS...doesn't that create a problem??
Yes, obviously. There are people on utube who uses both terms and further confuse normalfags, and normalfags who stumble in, like (you)rself are obviously confused.
What's more - qmap.pub likes to give "titles" to Q posts - as if you need someone else to tell you what the topic is... and their interp is the only/right one.
There are points of contention here, as you can see.
Luckily, all Q's posts are screenshot-saved in off-site galleries by month (in EST, for consistency), as well as archived on archive.fo, and you can save each month's posts as a zip file if you wish.
Zeronet 08chan
> Q posts when and where he wants to--and given his comments on outside comms, it's not likely he will be posting here
Some sense, thank you.
> board were created on zeronet with moderation
> moderation
WTAF kek, it ain't plebbit fren
There's a QResearch board there, other boards have their own personality, take them or leave them, just like any other chan.
Put your big boy pants on
> This is disinfo you have been reading and it has been effective in keeping a lot of good researchers away.
Disinfo injection successful for those who won't bother to look. Those who have their own minds and independent spirit will look and see what you say is true. It's actually /comfy/ af. There are many good features, the primary one is inherent distributive nature, unlike on any chan or any single-point hosted site. Because ZeroNet is distributed, it cannot be taken down on a whim by some faggot who wants to virtue signal, some snowflake who gets triggered, because no one has the control, it's spread across the world, therefore is far more reliable place to commune, and to post our important evidence in researching.
Think about it.
> vpn torrified
Not necessary
> username
Misunderstanding quite a bit there
< using fear to control others
/They/ love gatekeeping, no?
Free will is a beautiful thing! We all will go back to 8ch when it returns, but it's good to know about alternatives, just in case.