trick question: we can't get rid of all 100 senators in 2022, why not?
turns out only a third of senators are up for each election
can we insure +-34 seats?
ready for 2024, 2026?
> use what i can to focus target on a segment of the population.
always keep in mind to teach/show others 'how' once you figure it out
> use what i can to focus target on a segment of the population.
Try to find some1 in each state to focus and do: use what i can to focus target on a segment of the population.
think 50; whatever the plan, it has to include 50 so make the plans super easy
simple is GOOD because there are so many people; population: _
what is simple?
'call 2 senators for your State, tell them what you think'
'Vote all dem leaders out, all; RINOs also'
'Say no to DC statehood'
'Protect the filibuster'
once the right words are found, each set of words are like weapons against evil lies
use the right set of words (Truth) for the immediate situation
Thank you Anons!