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A man’s daughter was raped by a tranny that was allowed to be in the girl’s bathroom at a “woke” school in Virginia. The school not only covered it up, but assaulted and arrested the father for speaking out about it because they had put a “gag order” on him. This also happens to be one of the parents the DOJ wants to go after as a “domestic terrorist.” 
This is absolutely insane, evil stuff, and I pray Smith gets justice here, not only in regards to the boy who raped his daughter but also against the degenerates who populate the Loudoun County School Board. While some conservatives have questioned the need to fight back against things like CRT and abusive school boards in general, this case shows that the fight is not only necessary, but righteous as well.
This illegitimate regime is literally raping kids and punishing parents for speaking out against it. If you were looking for a green light to dismantle this whole corrupt system….I’d say you’ve had it by now, America.

DEFUND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, AND GET THIS COUNTY BACK ON THE GOLD STANDARD. We are being taxed without representation by degenerate tyrants, and we don’t have to take it.