What technologies are released to the NSA are diluted forms of the pure-state technology, which are significantly less potent in their military and surveillance applications. What I expected to hear from Dr. Anderson was a secret organization of intelligent, evil elitists -- individuals intent on exploitation and control. Why else would they want to hide beneath the cloak of such incredible secrecy?
The answer, according to Dr. Anderson, was surprising. The Labyrinth Group view themselves as the only group with sufficient intellect and technology to develop a specific form of time travel technology. They are essentially focused on this agenda because they desire to prevent future hostilities that they believe will occur unless this technology is developed. The Corteum is assisting, but despite their considerable intellects, they also are unable to develop this technology.
What Iím about to tell you will seem impossible to believe, but again, Iím only reporting what my notes say based on my initial conversations with Dr. Anderson. He explained to me that there are as many as 12 different extraterrestrial races currently involved in the past, present, and future of earth and its destiny. The ACIO, because of its mission with the NSA, is the most knowledgeable group about the various agendas of these 12 alien races.
Apparently there is an extraterrestrial race that may have hostile intent and the technological potential to disrupt the human social order and overtake it, as well as earth itself. This concern is what motivated Fifteen to assign the Labyrinth Groupís intellect and collective energy to create the ultimate defense weapon -- which they refer to as Blank Slate Technology (BST) or a form of time travel. I donít pretend to understand all of what Dr. Anderson described regarding BST. My notes are a bit vague because he was talking so far over my head I didnít even know what to write as notes.
When the Ancient Arrow project came under the control of the ACIO, it was -- like all projects -- carefully scrutinized to determine if there were any technology artifacts that could help in the overall agenda of developing BST. When it was determined that the Ancient Arrow project was in fact a time capsule from a future aspect of humanity, the Labyrinth Group seized the project from the ACIO and essentially began a misinformation campaign back to the NSA.
Dr. Anderson was one of two scientists that held a level 12 clearance and was asked to lead in the translation of the WingMakersí language and decode their various communication symbols. In this process, he became aware of how to decode their language and began to understand what they were trying to communicate. He became convinced that the WingMakers were time travelers and possessed a form of BST. He also became convinced that there were six additional time capsules stored in various places around the globe, and that they held the technologies or insights that would enable the development of BST.
The reason he defected was that somehow in the process of translating the WingMakersí language, he became a sympathizer of their philosophy. He felt that the WingMakers were communicating with him and had selected him as their liaison. And when he acknowledged this to his superiors, he was felt to be a risk to the projectís secrecy. Apparently, when personnel, regardless of clearance or rank become known as security risks they are given a "memory therapy" that essentially removes problematic experiences from their mind. Dr. Anderson felt certain that he was going to receive this "therapy" imminently, and could not fathom the results of loosing his memories of the WingMakers experience. Thus, he defected from the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group. The first to ever do so.