Are you paying attention  let this one Sink- In

UPDATE - After an Ottawa city councilor called on GoFundMe to "cut off the pipeline of funding" to the "unlawful mercenaries" protesting, the platform seems to have suspended the trucker convoy page.
Disclose TV is watching the Ottawa city council closely. 2nd report today. First said city council said truckers funds need to be shut off, now they're saying it may have been. Have to keep eyes on. DiscloseTV telegram comments starting to get a lot shill shit droppings. Must be on the radar.

Interesting, too, is a new DiscloseTV post saying BLM is being looked at for fund raising fuckery. Coincidence?

NEW - Black Lives Matter's national arm reportedly just went and shut down all its online fundraising streams following an investigation that exposed the charity's lack of financial transparency.