What are the chances that the heads of R&D for Pfizer, Moderna and J&J all suddenly resign?
I'm questioning everything and the timing is important.
1.Pfizer- Kathry Jansen. I find she is especially interesting. Kathryn Jansen Wiki
She has been involved in 3 block busters. HPV, Prevnar 13 and now Covid-19. I wonder where Albert Bourla got the idea that the Covid-19 jab was 100% effective?
"In 2002 the HPV vaccine was found to be 100% effective." In 2019 preplandemic she was worried "I don't know what motivates an individual to ignore scientific facts. As scientists, it is our obligation to rectify misinformation and to provide facts on what we know and don't know."
2.Moderna- Joseph Bolen. He not only resigned super, super quietly but Moderna "wiped any mention of him from the management page of its website."
Joseph Bolen Runs For The Hills
It's disturbing that these announcements are being announced through their LinkedIn accounts rather than by public disclosure.
3.J&J- Mathai Mammen Surprise! August 9, 2022.
Mathai Mammen on the Run
If anyone knows what is in these jabs and what was the "real" plan they would know.