> Anyone know if a trip code is possible here for Q?
This board does not have tripcodes enabled and also only 8ch had some secret salt in the hash for tripcodes (no other chan has that, CM designed it).
Any and every single source site is vulnerable to the whims of either the host, BO or site admin. This is an inherent weakness. The other option is distributed peer-to-peer like ZeroNet, which as the 'disinformation injection' success has shown, some still believe paytriots and will not visit. Free will and choice are all-important though. It's good to have options, but also to be realistic about the pros & cons of those options.
Particularly, as we learned yesterday, 8ch may not come back as 8ch and there may be some separate site just for Q (per Freddie the hater). We don't know if that's true or not, but unless that, too is peer-to-peer, it will have some vulnerabilities, even if Jim/Ron host servers themselves.
We must adapt of die.