> I now value my ego and care for it daily
We build our own ego...
Not exactly like you build an erector set, or Lincoln logs...
The process is a subtle one, and it takes time and practice to become consciously aware of...
Know thyself.
As it is often said.
Ego construction is an exsercise in self learning.
With very few examples (unless one is lucky) of good 'memes' for constraining the rules of ones ego;
There is a lot of trial and error.
Makes life a bit more interesting though;
All those things that happen that result in negative experiences and feeling?
So often can be traced back, like debugging an error log in your ego code.
Slowly but surely, we build a bug free identity.
Can you imagine the world we would live in if we did not receive all this malware from 'the matrix', 'society', 'nature', etc...
That we either slowly work through over the course of our lives (long night of the soul, indeed -more like long fortnight of the soul, eh?);
Or don't.
And just lead a shitty existence until we die.
Unfortunately, so many lost.
One of the our primary objectives it seems.
Provide GOOD memes to the people.
They need it.