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>>/7458/ > old gang You betcha. > Except the cupcakes Damn straight. Fuck anyone who doesn't like cupcakes!! >>/7482/ YVW. Just wish there was more thinking and analyzing going on here... Everyone totally ignored the financial aspect, which is YUGE. > You have more than you know only counts if you pay attention and learn the PLAYERS and their MOVES. All moves have financial ripple effects. This is one sector where anons have fallen down on the job. Ok, so back to effortposting... >>/7489/ > decoding My autism doesn't work with numbers (why I'm not a clockfag - that shit boggles me completely). But I can help pick apart what works (as with the word Capitalizations and ALL CAPS and associative definitions). This method was proven correct repeatedly, but has not been applied overall to Qs posts, just to select ones. It would seem to be a good use of our (down)time here to take a look at that (what works) and apply it to some patterns in Q posts - re-read vs re_read, words Increasingly CAPITALIZED (and see of those correspond to POTUS random Capitalized Words) and so on. I will have to let numberfags numberfag and won't pretend to understand it. BUT.... my contribution to the '23' issue: (start at the most simple) Q post 23 (consecutive order post# not 4chan post #) Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147446992 Nov 1 2017 00:11:52 (EST) Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11. Why is this relevant? Who can be held hostage and controlled? CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil). Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent? They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors. Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one. He controls the top. Thoughts: Why relevant? DHS was created after 9/11 - a seminal event in US history. Who ruled us? [hint: They hate us.] DHS was put in place very quickly indicating that it was planned (like gun control bills, already written just waiting for the 'right' event to submit them). DHS was supposed to be the ultimate means to control & subjugate the populace (a technocratic panopticon, a model for China & it's social credit score). NOW We have an actual Patriot in office, and luckily others were still in gov't when he ran for office (Adm. Rogers, Gen. Flynn). What is Schiff trying to do now? < demanding transcripts from convos with Putin !!!! It's clearly necessary to defend the US Executive at this time, is it not?!? Schiff/Ds think they can hold the Executive hostage, but can they really? Under the Constitution? (they can't) Do they really believe they can baffle Putin with such bullshit? (they do) Think about it carefully: why is it so hard to keep the head of DHS? What does SECURING THE HOMELAND really mean? to POTUS? to Schiff & crew (and their masters)? Remember, the comment POTUS made: We are at WAR