Making memes is difficult. You can make 100 and only 1 is good. I try to encourage rather than blanket criticize because everyone starts at the beginning and due to the above-mentioned ratio, well, it's hard work - 99 are meh. Plus there are some that are good just to give us a laff (ginger mound, Nassim, many more) or encourage us.
MIL takes memes seriously- we were to be their off-site unofficial psyop meme factory...
> power to influence
> nothing is beyond our reach
> Orange man bad/NPC
We need to dig deep to pull up some magic. Maybe it's the distinct lack of digit-checking? hmmm
War room guys were good at identifying snap topics for us to focus on, good at techniques to master the socials. But we have no War room fags here right now.
Rather than bemoan what we do not have, work together to identify what is needed and fulfill those roles. TOGETHER. No one above another, all skills/knowledge-sets incorporated, healthy criticism to better the output to better the support for POTUS to save our beloved Republic (you too, Frenchbro!)
There is no time like the present.
There is no one but us.
The spoils are the FREEDOM! of the entire world.
If ever there was a worthy goal, this is it.
Let's do this.