yes, still here, finishing notables
nice looking notes, baker >>/7795/
08: hahaha....have visited zeronet but didn't want to give info so as to post.
QRB is comfy, kek.
Graveyard for me too, but there are bakers from other countries u see, baker frens
yes, zero hour--i guess we are within 1000 or so miles of each other
howdy neighbor
since i'm on the west coast, i guess you can call me comrade....
one note: might be better to designate bakers by name rather than number. This is bc--at least the way I've been doing notes both here and on QRB--when there are multiple note-takers, they are designated by number.
See last bred #9422 >>/7108/
On QRB, there are as many as 5 note-takers--that could be true here as well of moar bakers show up, unless and until breds become less than 3 hours. This system keeps things
Returning note-takers can use their original number.
You will see this on almost every QRB bred--because they're long--but sometimes on QR breds during night shifts.
It is customary to both give credit where credit is due but also to show that different anons are responsible for different parts of the notes. So changes in note-taker/bakers are always tracked.
, so both anons (and note-takers) can
who did which notes. One reason for this is that i will sometimes edit my own notes but not another baker's (although i might add something, e.g., a new planefag report) to an existing entry.
How it is done on QRB, seems to work well.
he note-taking is set up--first note collector is #1, second is #2, etc. If a collector returns, they can go be the same thing.
If bakers are also #1, #2, etc--well, it's a little confusing?
User name Rolling_Home or RH works for me. Unique to this board, by the way, not used on 08.