baking jpg
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>>/7901/ Although BO mentioned the idea of assigning permanent numbers to bakers, I prefer names or abbreviations for names for that (in part bc i don't especially want to be baker #1 in perpetuity, sounds like a ranking or something). MOAR ON BAKING When long breds are baked in QRB, numbering the note-takers reveals the sequence and how many different bakers or note-takers participated. So if i am first note-taker/baker, I start with #1; if i return later, I use #1 again: Baker #1 x x x Baker #2 x x x Baker #1 x x x (BTW, difference between a baker and note-taker is that a baker will sign on and take formal responsibility for a bread saying, "taking responsibility"--they usually intend to bake, except with long breds like these. Bakers formally handoff to other bakers, espec. in fast breds, so everyone is straight on who's baking. Kind of like piloting a plane). Numbering the note-takers/bakers helps bakers remember which notes are theirs in a long bred, so they don't edit other bakers' stuff by mistake, which is a no-no, except to deal with typos, bad links or to made additions to notable digs. The main thing is not to delete stuff or change language in a way that would change the meaning. Bakers and anons are very sensitive to that bc it's a shill tactic--slipping in small changes to mess things up (like subbing out "JewTube" for "YouTube"). In the case of the notables for this bred, there were at three different note-takers--an anon note-taker (#1), followed by me (#2), then another note-taker (#3--maybe that was you?). I'd preserve those distinctions, if possible. Now this is just my two cents worth, but at the very least you want to indicate "baker change". Baker or note-taker changes are ALWAYS noted in both QResearch and QR Bunker. There are not numbers assigned in QR bc they're not needed (breds are so much shorter). So same baker seldom repeats in same bred. When I have repeated, I've shown it was a return with "baker returns". Typically, this happens when there is a ghost bake at night. A ghost bake = no baker on duty, when Q is less likely to post. We don't like ghost bakes but due to chronic baker shortage, they happen very often. Graveyard breds are often 4-5 hours in QR. Baker might take notes for awhile then "ghost the bred," where you announce you are leaving and the post "Ghost bake" so anons know there's no baker. If yer lucky, a note-taker will take notes. Later, same or different baker may return. Notes would look something like this: baker change x x x ''ghost bake, then note-taker" x x x baker change x x x Hope this doesn't sound incredibly fussy. Only reason I'm on about it is that with 8chan down, there are no examples to look at.