pepe a ok jpg
(9.32 KB, 255x218)
Thanks, great summary. From BO, I'm guessing? Good morning, have a good day, i'm goin back to sleep soon. up posting notes & "baking tips" til late; see LB, you prolly know.
Yes, saw the disinfo.
But when i'd tried originally to deal with downloads for TOR and accessing zerochan, i had strange artifacts pop up on my screen when in my browser, so i decided not to pursue.
Re anonymity
That's why i'm not on Zero--can't post without signing in. Yes, much is comp'd, but i still like at least the illusion of FREEDOM!.
i cross post on voat. can't do it on twatter wo sacrificing anonymity.
Will study this later--and trip code stuff--so i can comment further. (Ok, trip codes are completely new to me, should be easy but have to go back and see what you wrote LB.)
Re using trips to designate note-takers & bakers:
Would recommend not getting into trip codes with volunteer note-takers--whatever you do, just keep it simple. If not simple, people won't volunteer. Much experience with this!
Thanks for all you do, BO. Talk to you later.