I tried the usual methods to archive, too, and javascript is indeed the debil!
All that is left is to taunt him (not forgetting the . before the @, so it auto-goes out to AAAALLLL his followers) with his own total and complete failure.
--> Don't forget to tag POTUS when you are taunting these bastards with their failed polls!
> Nothing is beyond our reach
If you're not wrong at least 1x/day then you're not trying very hard!
Personally, I feel like a failure if I'm not wrong once per day about something or other
> Aim for the stars; if you fall short at least you'll hit the moon
I hit the moon a lot. Of course I miss the moon a lot, too. If you aim low, you land low; if you don't aim at all... you never get anywhere! I keep that in mind and failure doen't bother me - after all, Edison found 5,000 things that didn't work before he found one that did.
Jesse James @1bigbeer was WERKIN IT, doing the yeoman's work and making it happen. He deserves some ups for that