Good evening/morning, fellow Anons. This Anon just woke up; I got about 3 hrs of broken/shitty sleep after being awake for 34 straight hours (and working a 13-hr shift right in the middle of it) so I apologize if I'm a bit on the slow side tonight. Just wanted to comment on a couple of things from last bread:
>>/7862/ (lb)
> Hong Kong Police Shoot a Protester, 18, With a Live Bullet for the First Time
This is probably completely unrelated, but the first thing that came to mind when I read this headline was, RED OCTOBER.
The connections I see are China is Communist (RED)...and as many people as they have in China-if they start shooting protesters in such great numbers (presuming this only escalates to more shooting of likely innocent civilians seeking FREEDOM!) on the 1st day of this month-that could easily end up being a literal Red October.
It's a fucked up situation over's good to know The Plan is WW...not strictly the U.S; just my own half-baked thoughts on this news story.
>>/7884/ (pb) "REDPILL UPDATE"
> Especially if you are gentle, don't overload and don't challenge their beliefs, just plant seeds.
I actually saw her/the cashier again this morning (after I got off work and offline with you guise) and I really wanted to report back because it just keeps getting better and better.
So I saw her as I was entering the self-checkout area, which she now supervises, and this time she didn't even wait for me to start ringing up my groceries-she intercepted me and actually walked me over to a register; she said (again), "You know, I was just thinkin' about you earlier...What is going on with this thing, now they're trying to impeach him (POTUS)?" I assured her that not only had he not committed any offense that would justify impeachment, but I also explained that Republicans controlled the Senate: that in order for impeachment to occur that would also require 2/3 of the entire Senate to vote in favor of it. I added that the Dims/Left have yet again resumed their collision course with self-destruction & that once it went to a trial in the Senate that both sides would be required to submit their evidence, both incriminating and exculpatory, and because of that, this pathetic attempt to remove our duly elected POTUS would actually end up bringing those treasonous Democrats who are actually guilty (Pelosi, Shiff, etc..) are going to have this latest stunt blow up in their faces so will be a beautiful thing to behold... (continued..too much text!..erhrmahgurd...*kek*