Part 2 of 3?
We talked quite a bit moar (especially for standing in the middle of Walmart scanning muh groceries, kek) & while I wish I could share all of it but I'll need to narrow the conversation to avoid TL;DR. She went on to say that she had never in her life (mid-60's) been interested in politics, didn't discuss opinions or care to hear others discuss their opinions (to which I replied, 'I used to be the same way-that is until late 2015 & the 2016 election.'...and she said, "But to listen to the way you explain it, in such depth that it paints a larger picture that makes it so much more interesting & so much easier to understand." Hearing that was a reward, because I will talk about POTUS/Q stuff/everything else that ties in for as long as someone with an open mind is willing to listen...so I've got quite a few collective hours invested in this lady over the last 18 months or so & to hear her repeat things I told her long ago means that she not only listened but also retained the information while I was temporarily 'AWOL' from her life for 9-12 months & during that time she was getting her info from the Fake News/MSM; when I first came back she was notably anxious and worried about whether "they" were ever going to stop attacking POTUS, whether they would be successful in impeaching him, just truly concerned and afraid, too (courtesy of the non-stop-MSM-fear-porn-to-keep-the-masses-stressed-depressed-and-docile) but I assured her that: our POTUS was in no danger of getting impeached, and that not only will he WIN by a landslide in the 2020 election...that I would be pretty surprised if there's anyone left standing (Dem or Rep) to run against him in the considering the dirt/crimes/corruption/insanity on most all of them.