That being said we don't know. BUt right now jim is getting trotted out by the liberal mob and its where i draw the line. They shut the chans down because it defeats the cabal. This has nothing to do with jim. We don't know the fucking guy. after some of the shit you go through in this you need to think of it like a movie. There are plot twists. Jim may have been the unseen hand that because of his affiliation. Bad apple masons took advantage. we saw this with satanic logos in the kek memeing. Its not all black and white that is all ill say. We don't know the entirety of the situation. remember when in the hotwheels interview jim did the masonic eye thing. That may have been on purpose. To build up endchan. This is all 20d level chess and be prepared to realize how real all of this "qanon stuff" is.