Ivermectin Remains a Silver Bullet
Ivermectin is a top tier safe medicine for both coronavirus infections and treating people injured by the toxic covid-19 genetic injections. Tomorrow July 29th is World Ivermectin Day.
Ivermectin is the award winning safe effective medicine with many benefits for humans. Those benefits include its antiviral activities against messenger RNA viruses including coronaviruses. Never before has a safe effective medicine been the center of such an intense scandal. Global predators suppress ivermectin to coral humanity into high profit dangerous covid-19 genetic injections. Doctors who prescribed or teach people about ivermectin have been unlawfully persecuted in many countries especially Canada. Now, with more than one billion covid “vaccine” injured victims world wide, ivermectin remains essential, due to its ability to sequester and block the toxic spike proteins that are mass produced within injection victims in response to the genetic injections. Tomorrow is World Ivermectin Day. Continue…