>>/131653/,  >>/131655/,  >>/131656/ 

"...Nasal sprays containing phenylephrine are unaffected by the ruling."
"...It also found that people prefer oral decongestant tablets over nasal sprays 3 to 1."
"...but because of limited use, there have been no effectiveness estimates in the United States, the CDC said."

By removing the oral phenylephrine from the market, it forces users into using the nasal spray product. Consumer Healthcare Products Association reported a whopping 75% of the public using decongestants prefer oral tablets over nasal sprays. Exothera's Covvvvvvvvid-19 vaccine nasal spray product potentially has an issue with convincing the public to inhale something through the nose. So, if the FDA pulls the oral phenylephrine but leaves the phenylephrine nasal spray on the shelf does it help to normalize the use of nasal sprays?