>>/133280/ U.S. conducted a nuclear test in Nevada, hours after Russia revoked ban on atomic weapons testing
>>/133285/ Tamara Lich trial: Second Ottawa cop testifies work phone was 'wiped' of Freedom Convoy records
>>/133288/, >>/133289/ Despite being convicted, autopsy report reveals Derek Chauvin DID NOT kill George Floyd
>>/133291/ How has the Biden Admin enabled our adversaries through the green new deal initiatives?
>>/133292/ Bill Gates granddaughter helps him see the world through a new lens
>>/133294/ Carr: Forty Years of Sex Abuse Catalogued at Elite NH Prep School of Kerry, Mueller
>>/133303/ Donald J. Trump: See you on Monday, NH
>>/133304/, >>/133305/, >>/133306/, >>/133307/, >>/133308/, >>/133309/, >>/133310/, >>/133311/, >>/133312/ Swamp Today October 23, 2023
>>/133315/ STEVE KIRSCH: 🧵MRNA CoVID Vaxx Makers Can be SUED for Damages for Adulteration
>>/133316/ [video] FBI whistleblower testifies under oath FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hrs of J6 footage released exposing undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol
>>/133317/ Liberals, NDP MPs vote to keep Nazi invitation inquiry behind closed doors
>>/133318/ Rachel Maddow on the View claimed, without evidence, Pres. Trump "wants to put MSNBC on trial so he can execute us"
>>/133319/ Circling back to the Chinese lab in Reedly, California - Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch
>>/133320/ Pfizer/BioNTech C4591001 Trial - Antibodies data reveals more on BNT subjects' COVID cases
>>/133321/ NY Senior Joe Bolanos Suffered Stroke After FBI Raided Home Because He ATTENDED J6 Rally
>>/133322/ Dinesh D'Souza Reveals How The FBI & CIA Target The Right in his opening film POLICE STATE
>>/133323/, >>/133324/ Off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot charged with attempted murder after attempting to shut down plane engines midflight
>>/133326/ Pfizer May Go Bankrupt, Financial Markets Realize
>>/133327/ “Direction from Ottawa at the Highest Level”: Troubling Allegations That Canada Has Helped China Hunt for Fugitives for Decades (Video)
>>/133329/ Italy bans farmed meat to retain health and culinary traditions