>>/135687/, >>/135684/, >>/135685/, >>/135688/
Ezra A. Cohen: [SecDef Lloyd Austin unreported incapacitation] raises serious concerns about the status of the National Command Authority
Ezra A. Cohen
If accurate, this is inexplicable and raises serious concerns about the status of the National Command Authority.
Ezra A. Cohen
So much of this story seems implausible, unless there was a concerted effort to coverup and hide the SECDEF’s status from the WH and NSC. For example the OSD Chief of Staff communicates daily with the WH and NSC on a range of issues. At no point during these conversations was it mentioned that the SD was incapacitated?
Ezra A. Cohen
Not to mention the large numbers of “packages” that move to the SECDEF via the OSD EXECSEC for signature each day. At no point did the EXECSEC wonder why packages weren’t getting signed? Was the EXECSEC part of the cover-up?
Ezra A. Cohen
And what about the daily intelligence briefings? Briefers in the Department or at @ODNIgov weren’t alarmed when the SECDEF went without an intel briefing for an entire week?
Ezra A. Cohen
The White Situation Room and NMCC track the movements of the key national security decision makers. Was the location of the SECDEF concealed from the sitroom and the NMCC? What were they told about the SECDEF’s ability to be reached?