thumbnail of 2024-01-20_Patriot Front_RNews propaganda.mp4
thumbnail of 2024-01-20_Patriot Front_RNews propaganda.mp4
2024-01-20_Patriot... mp4
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thumbnail of Patriot Front_feds framing America.PNG
Patriot Front_feds... PNG
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Patriot Front___ PNG
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Globalists framing U.S. to justify passing H. Res. 894?
H.Res.894 - Strongly condemning and denouncing the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world. 
118th Congress (2023-2024) › bill › house-resolution › 8...
This resolution condemns and denounces all instances of antisemitism occurring in the United States and globally. The resolution also states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

[video propaganda]
🚨#BREAKING: A group called the Patriot Front are currently marching down at the World Trade Center 
📌#Manhattan l #NewYork 
Currently, approximately 90-150 individuals identified as the "Patriot Front" and recognized as a right-wing organization are advancing towards the 9/11 World Trade Center located in downtown Manhattan in New York City. Numerous sightings have been reported from the subways into the Oculus Mall, and now towards the 9/11 World Trade Center, New York City police officers are currently keeping an eye out while escorting them as they work to maintain a separation between any counter-protesters or any other individuals.

Thomas Rousseau