I shouldn't have to say this but I will. DO NOT COMMIT POLITICAL VIOLENCE. They absolutely want you to, do not cave. We finally have an upper hand, people are waking up. The media and government wants you to be violent to make us look bad. They want you to give up your life and your family and be able to seem superior. Do not cave. If attacked defend with force, but do not under any circumstances threaten or instigate it. Use violence only when met with violence, only self defense.

They're pushing us, the sniveling rats in the government and media, they want us to explode so they can manipulate the story, so they can control the narrative. Our greatest defense is our smile, our absolute smirk of disgust and hilarity in the face of their anger and delusion. Make counter points and grin ear to ear, smile because you're right and they know it. Do not cave, do not falter but do not fall into their trap. If you want to get back at them, have five children, raise them in the mountains and homeschool them so they can rebuild what had been lost. 

Do not sacrifice your brightness and light for their repulsive darkness. Win by living. I promise you, they want you to snap, it's their only play. Remain peaceful unless defending yourself or others from attack and we will win in the end. 

They want you behind bars, do not give them a reason. They're not worth your life, don't be psyopd into giving up your life. 

I beg you.