3:30 AM EDT
3rd Meeting, Group of Experts on National Accounts 2024 - The Expert Group on National Accounts supports the implementation of the CES work programme related to national accounts and globalization. It will facilitate the implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) and related international statistical standards through the promotion of best practices, contributions to the development of recommendations and methodological materials, and support to capacity building activities in national accounts.
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
5th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management - The UNECE Resource Management Week 2024, including the 15th session of the Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM-15), will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 April 2024. Leaders, experts, and stakeholders in resource management will gather to discuss sustainable development challenges and opportunities.
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
2086th Meeting, 79th Session, Committee Against Torture (CAT) Review of Liechtenstein
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Legal Subcommittee, 63rd session, 1068 meeting
United Nations

5:00 AM EDT
Transforming Skills Development Systems: A case study of successful ILO-EU-Canada partnership in Bangladesh - Discover how ILO-EU-Canadian collaboration in Bangladesh has successfully supported Bangladesh in transforming skills development systems for market relevance, attractiveness, and inclusion, and how this will influence future investment.
United Nations

6:30 AM EDT
House of Commons
Prime Minister's Questions
Question Time
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fields questions from members of the House of Commons on a range of domestic and international issues.

7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Viewers commented on U.S. involvement in overseas conflicts.

7:30 AM EDT
Navigating tomorrow: Crafting effective national Skills Anticipation Systems - Explore the importance of effective skills anticipation systems in addressing emerging challenges and capitalizing on opportunities for sustainable growth.
United Nations

8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Paul DePerna Discusses Teens' View of K-12 Education in the U.S.
Paul DiPerna from the group EdChoice discusses his group’s efforts to expand school choice in the U.S. and its recent survey of teenagers about their views of K-12 education in the U.S.

8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show 4-24-24
Real America's Voice

8:00 AM EDT
Simulation & Training Community Forum 2024
National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)

8:00 AM EDT
NIH Enhancing Diversity and Inclusivity in Acquisitions Conference
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

8:00 AM EDT
White House Roundtable on Zero-Emission Freight Infrastructure
The White House