8:20 AM EDT
Human-centered digital transformation of skills development - Explore the digital transformation of skills development diving into innovative digital strategies to enhance global workforce skills.
United Nations

8:30 AM EDT
4th Meeting, Group of Experts on National Accounts 2024 - The Expert Group on National Accounts supports the implementation of the CES work programme related to national accounts and globalization. It will facilitate the implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) and related international statistical standards through the promotion of best practices, contributions to the development of recommendations and methodological materials, and support to capacity building activities in national accounts.
United Nations

8:30 AM EDT
Global Security Forum 2024: Gathering Strength in a Gathering Storm: Keynote Discussions With General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Honorable Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

8:30 AM EDT
Robotics for Good Global Competition
AI for Good Is Organized by ITU in Partnership With 40 UN Sister Agencies and Co-Convened With Switzerland

8:45 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.

9:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Aswad Thomas Discusses Expanding Resources for Survivors of Crime and Promoting Public Safety
Aswad Thomas of the Alliance for Safety and Justice discusses expanding resources for survivors of crime, promoting public safety and criminal justice reform.

9:00 AM EDT
Outer Space: Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Legal Subcommittee, 63rd session, 1069 meeting
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
6th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management - The UNECE Resource Management Week 2024, including the 15th session of the Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM-15), will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 April 2024. Leaders, experts, and stakeholders in resource management will gather to discuss sustainable development challenges and opportunities.
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
2087th Meeting, 79th Session, Committee Against Torture (CAT) Replies of Azerbaijan
United Nations

9:00 AM EDT
EnergySource Innovation Stream With Newcleo: Building an Advanced Nuclear Ecosystem
Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

9:00 AM EDT
Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

9:00 AM EDT
Women Veterans Health Clinic Groundbreaking - Manchester, New Hampshire
Veterans Administration