Anonymous 08/10/21 (Tue) 08:22:44 aa3d44 No.81073 >>/81090/ >>/81122/ >>/81126/
there are GRAPHICS with this - find them
In 1964, UBS was the first Switzerland-based bank to establish a presence in the Asia Pacific region, primarily through its wealth management business.
UBS has provided corporate finance advice to Chinese enterprises since 1985.
UBS is the first foreign bank that was allowed to have a fully-licensed securities joint venture in China.
This facilitator of the deal is Chinese vice premier Wang Qishan, who is deemed the most finance-savvy Communist official. He was the mayor of Beijing in 2006 when he met with UBS’s then-chairman Marcel Ospel.
According to Chinese company profiling website Qixin, after the 2020 election, the Beijing UBS went through a major leadership turnover on Nov. 30.
One day before Lin Wood’s tweet about UBS, 12 out of its 15 board of directors quit including Ye Xiang.
Another who just quit the board is Cheng Yixun. The former CEO of UBS’s Beijing-based subsidiary and an expert hired in the Chinese Communist Party’s “Thousand Talents Program.”
The rest you know.