There's a great new interview posted by "The Duran" over at Bitchute that goes into detail explaining how the voter fraud actually works and the real intent which not really about one political party or the other which is very interesting. Notice how many States have no issues and can count the all votes in one night, yet all the "swing States" seem to be having massive issues and taking forever to get results? That is all about the political elite class doing everything they can to hold onto power. It's not just the corrupt DNC, the RNC is also very complicit, as the establishment do not care which party wins as long as the same crooked government stays in power! Fraud has always existed but the amount of fraud happening today is in fact unprecedented. They cannot allow grassroot Americans to upend the political elite class, and by any means they are willing to cheat to stop it! If you want to know the real scoop, watch this interview!!! [Embed]