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thumbnail of 2021-10-08_16-10-21 thread image new.png
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Covid Plandemic: Fact vs Fantasy
Covid-19 started as a disease but has morphed into something else. 

This thread started on qrb/8. Relocated from /qrb/ after image policy changed.

POST HERE info on anything that can help us understand what the whole covid scare is really about - scientifically, medically, politically or spiritually:
The roots Roots of Covid, germ vs terrain theory, Covid treatments, fake vaxxes, bax reactions & potential treatments, vax passports, other political influences - and anything else that will help us understand the sudden worldwide obsession with "covid." Also real health, real treatments, real cures, real medical ethics. Most of all, REAL SOLUTIONS to the worldwide P[L]ANDEMIC. 

Anon who started the first thread was interested in germ vs terrain theory: 
Is germ theory false? This thread examines the scientific basis for the belief that viruses cause disease. The people of the world have been terrorized by their governments based on the fear of viruses. Is it justified? You can help by expanding this collection (for or against germ theory). Let's uncover the truth. (Won't transfer most of his work - which remains on /qrb/8 - bc it's mostly text. 

Will transfer some of the key posts from the other thread but most of the info here is new - because the information is evolving very fast. So what we knew a year ago is not what we know now.