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The data Dr. Hodkinson was referring to pertains to the expression of the ACE2 receptor in both the placenta and the testes. Excess spike proteins circulating in both – caused by the vaccine – inhibits reproductive function, science has discovered, potentially leading to infertility and sterility.'
“And that circulation takes the spike protein everywhere, including the placenta of women who happen to be pregnant at the time, which is a one-time hit for that particular pregnancy, probably not for subsequent ones,” Dr. Hodkinson says. “But there is also potential for a hit on the testes, which of course is not a one-time hit, it could be a permanent hit.”
“In a world where we know that sperm counts have dropped 40 per cent over the last 10 or 20 years – a massive unexplained drop in sperm counts – we don’t need some additional hits on male fertility.”
Simply put, the six-month trials conducted by Big Pharma to test these injections is not even close to being enough to determine whether or not the jabs cause infertility. Dr. Hodkinson says two to four years is a minimum trial window for determining the true effects of experimental injections.
Injecting children, especially, with the shots is a crime against humanity, he contends, calling it “obscene.” Not only do children have almost zero risk of contracting or spreading the Chinese Virus, but the shots will more than likely damage them more than they will adults.
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