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this video is dynamite, notes below.

Cassandra Dunn
Registered nurse & certified Federal medical investigator.
The covid swab is dipped in carcinogenic, mutagenic ethylene oxide (EO)

Used for sterilization purposes.

There are 2 dif swabs:
1. ninbo (sp?) - made in China - says "sterile/EO"
2. mariclean technology (sp?) - "sterile/EO"

The swab is inserted deep into the nasal cavity, near the brain.

So what is EO? ethylene oxide

- exposure via inhalation
- can can lymphoma & breast cancer, other cancers 
- is also MUTAGENIC

Acute inhalation in workers has resulted in all kinds of serious conditions including:
nausea, vomiting, neurological disorders and others

There is an increased rate of miscarriages, reproductive effects, decreased sperm count.

EO damages DNA - why it's effective as sterilizer

Canadian version of OSHA:
EO is very toxic, causes cancer, changes in genetics & reproduction, genetic defects, known to cause reduced fertility

Some state workers where she lives have to get this test done DAILY, deep into your nasal cavity, close to the brain.

--"I don't know what to say, people, this shit's for real, I can't make this up."--

her website: