mRNA vaxxes have problems, haven't been solved yet. mRNA vaxxes isn't like our RNA; it's a synthetic chemical, otherwise your enzymes would destroy it in minutes. No one's ever done the toxicology on it. Also, they don't know where it moves to in the body and what does it once it gets there. They don't know how much spike protein is produced either.
Yeadon started Doctors for Covid Ethics with other docs. Used a professional newswire to get the word about the truth. Sent a notice to 3000 news orgs - only the Highwire and Children's Health Defense responded. That frightened him.
Why these are the most dangerous vaxxes EVER:
- normal vax: mostly dead virus
- covid mRNA vaxxes: multi-step release of a toxin, none of the results of each step is measured. Depending on the person, they could be ok - or they could have a combo that is lethal.
--mRNA is not read for primetime.--
Q from Del on bad effects of syncetin on fertility: would antibodies attack it?
probability isn't high but effects, if they occur, are devastating
they didn't see binding to syncetin, which is basically the outer layer of the placenta
BUT when Yeadon looking at the results DID see binding; he'd contra-indicate the vaxxing of pregnant women, "this is reckless endangerment" like thalidomide
This means that antibodies may attack the placenta in pregnant women
Could create a future auto-immune disease
You do toxicology first, not clinical trials.
Polyethelene glycol - lipid in some vaxxes.
Some people are allergic to it. Elicited anaphylaxis the first day - this is still happening.
Whoever is organizing the lies seems to want large numbers of deaths.
Every govt is using the same lies. Coincidence? not possible.
Why is a vax passport needed? It's not. And now they want boosters.
Whoever has control of those passports HAS CONTROL OVER YOU.
It's really about electronic individual ID.
See also Yeadon's Sept 20, 2020 article: https://lockdownsceptics.org/lies-damned-lies-and-health-statistics-the-deadly-danger-of-false-positives/