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REINER FUELLMICH #63 2 hours, 10 minutes in Dr Bryan Ardis on REMDESIVIR poisoning being mistaken for a symptom of CV19 Background: Dr Bryan Ardis, CEO of Sister had lupus, wanted to find a treatment that wouldn't kill her within 3 decades. wholistic practitioners Chiro, acupuncture, nutrition - uses detoxing and herbs to heal people. did heal his sister - she's 34 and has 4 children. No lupus for 10 years Look for PARASITES and eliminate those first. His father-in-law was killed by hospital protocols re "covid." Probably died of Remdesevir poisoning. 'The Story: At start of the "pandemic", NY practitioners found problems in KIDNEYS - vancomycin side effect can cause acute kidney failture. Were they using it? So he looked at the treatment protocol: FAuci said every md must use Remdesevir - only. And can't use hcq or chloroquine. [implied: justification was based on a study that used toxically high doses of HCQ that killed people.] Ardis had never heard of remdesevir. Found it was never FDA approved for any disease. But on NIH site, it was promoted. NIH cited 2 studies - one on ebola, another sponsored by Gilead, sponsor of Remdesivir. - Ebola study, and in that study, there were 4 drugs used: remdesevir, 3 other expt drugs - remdesivir most deadly. Ebola was a failure for remdesevir and F knew it - had to be withdrawn before the end. Yet cited as support for remdesevir. - Gilead study’ - published within 58 days [very quick]. 30% experienced 4 lethal side effects, including acute kidney failure. Acute kidney failure did NOT come from the virus. Came from remdesivir. He knew Fauci knew. "Disgusting." America - American ws the only country to treat covid with remdesivir. We had the highest death rates - remdesivir caused it. FAUCI knew. ' Wolfgang Wodarg: They may have been treating Covid OR the flu. They made a panic, gave us drugs they tried to sell for years. Remdesevir is toxic. Did not help in any way to treat this disease. [HCL contraindicated because when HCL was tested, given in TOXICALLY HIGH doses - on purpose. "This is something like genocide."] Reiner comments that Wodarg is also noting that PCR test doesn't distinguish which virus is present. Story, con't.: What they called pneumonia was just an excess of water in the lung. Later, they took him off lasix. And he died. [Wodarg says it's better to use dialysis to get the water out.] He later died. to ~2hours, 48 minutes. Conclusion: REMDESIVIR caused severe symptoms that made Covid look worse than it is