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Sunnycrest nursing home stats after booster: 4 dead; 7 hospitalized (136 beds). Will be getting the actual # filled beds soon. But even if they are all full, this is a disaster for the vaccine. No press coverage. Don't tell anyone, OK? :)

This place is in Whitby, Ontario

Comment submitted by 
Steve Kirsch
Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund
August 29, 2021


I am the founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund ( --Our work in funding early treatments for COVID was featured on 60 Minutes.--

I have been vaccinated and my entire family has been vaccinated.

However, shortly after I was fully vaccinated, I began to hear stories from my friends that were very troubling.

For example, one friend had three relatives who were formerly healthy die after getting the vaccine. Another friend had a heart attack 2 minutes after the injection and is now disabled, apparently for life.

I assembled a team of over 19 doctors and scientists listed at the end of this comment to investigate the available evidence.

Using the VAERS database and other official government data sources from the US and around the world (covering 35% of the world’s population), we found evidence that clearly demonstrates that the current vaccines are significantly more dangerous than has been previously believed.

Our most important findings include:

The “real world” fatality data from VAERS does not match the fatality data from the Phase 3 trials. They aren’t even close. Using multiple independent methods, we estimate that over 150,000 Americans have already been killed (see Attachment 2). It is urgent to resolve this discrepancy as soon as possible as we strongly believe that the real world data is right and the vaccines should be immediately stopped.
None of the COVID vaccines reduce all-cause morbidity. It’s the opposite: they all significantly increase all-cause morbidity by as much as 4.2 times baseline (p<=0.00001). The CDC must know this since this information is hiding in plain sight in the published literature. What is the point of offering an optional medical intervention which significantly increases all-cause morbidity when safer alternatives such as early treatment are available?

There is an error in the adverse event detection formula used by the CDC that appears to have prevented the CDC from seeing the safety signals that were obvious to our VAERS experts. 
