Early treatment and prophylaxis protocols are a superior option to the current vaccines, yet have been inexplicably ignored by the NIH:
- Higher relative risk reduction (over 99%)
- Greater safety (minor temporary side effects, known safety profile)
- They lower both all-cause mortality and all-cause morbidity
- They work equally well on all variants
- They do not promote escape variants
- They do not cause vaccine enhanced infectivity/replication
- They do not cause prion diseases
- They prevent long-haul COVID syndrome nearly 100% of the time
- They enable people to acquire recovered immunity which is both 13 times stronger and more durable than vaccine-induced immunity
We recommend the committee take the following actions:
- Require autopsies for all deaths within 4 weeks of any COVID19 vaccination so that data is available to compute an estimate of the true all-cause mortality.
- Make available the analysis of the 11,000 deaths investigation in VAERS for public inspection. It’s important for the public to understand why the CDC couldn’t attribute a single death to the vaccine whereas one of the world’s top pathologists ascribed at least 30% of all deaths to the vaccine.
- Explain publicly why there is a death peak on the second day after vaccination if the vaccinations are perfectly safe and not causing deaths.
- Explain publicly why the severe adverse side effects are dose dependent
- Publish the proper elevated event table (see Attachment 2. Page 17)
- Publish your analysis of the VAERS data including the propensity to report factor and the under reporting factor for fatalities or serious events. Please show us the correct analysis showing that there are no excess deaths this year as has been claimed.
- Meet with our team as soon as possible to assess the validity of the points above.
- Fix the adverse event signal detection system so it can at least recognize all the serious adverse events identified in Attachment 2, page 17.
- Review the VAERS multiplier used in the myocarditis analysis. It appears to be 1. That makes absolutely no sense to us. How was that justified?
- Recommend that vaccine mandates should not be issued without evidence of a statistically significant all-cause morbidity decrease (which there is not in this case).
- Define a COVID vaccine stopping condition after which that vaccine should be halted until the stopping issues are addressed. In 1976, the stopping threshold was 35 deaths.
- Ask the CDC to engage with us in a public discussion on vaccination issues so the public can hear first hand from qualified experts on both sides. This is a more effective way to combat vaccine hesitancy than censorship.
If the meetings with our team result in the validation of our assertions, then the following actions should be considered:
- Recommend that at least three classes of people should not be vaccinated and should use early treatment if infected:
- - Previously infected
- - Women who are pregnant or might soon become pregnant
- - Anyone under age 50
Inform the public of the complete list of elevated risks and their rates for the COVID vaccines.