mRNA vax toxicity - spike vs lipids
- Palmer (~50) Here's something new - the body will attack the cells that manufacture the spike protein but this effects will eventually subside; but the lipo particple breaks down much more slowly. With boosters, lipids could accumulate - staircase effect (~55mins)
vaxxes and cancer
- CAF on new application of mRNA vaxxes and cancer. If lipo particle breaks down very slow, continued boosters will allow lipids to build up over time. That's what vax passports would do.
If mRNA vaxxes are both cytotoxic AND suppress the immune system, we become vulnerable to diseases like cancer. So we have a treadmill if vax passports go into effect.
Going Direct Reset: passports are part of new sys where central bank will have complete control of your money. Shows a very short vid here of that really fat guy from Bank of International Settlements talking about it: 59mins.
More discussion on effects and vax approval:
Palmer - There's lots of evidence of of immunosuppression from jabs - e.g., multiple shingles outbreaks.
- CAF notes that we have negative effects from the vaxxine that doesn't look like it comes from the vaxxine. This is the problem.
Palmer on placenta & syncetin ( ~105) - fetus can be exposed to toxins thru placenta when mom is vaxxed. Affects existing pregnancies; damage to ovaries affects future ability to conceive.
CAF asks Palmer (~108): In gov't, they always say "it's really complicated" or "it was an accident."
Palmer shakes his head. Trials needed to be conducted much more slowly. Japanese animal study clearly presaged most of the risks we now see manifest. "Unimaginable that animal trials would have succeeded." CAF - so whatever is happening is INTENTIONAL not accidental. P agrees. They used a trick to wave thru - FDA docs show the negligence in action, multiple examples. "It hits you in the fact."
~ 1:12 What's the motive?
CAF - they need a new financial control system very, very quickly
Passports are essential. Also, a weakened population can't fight, lower life expectancy as well.
we have to stop the passports
once the bankers control your accounts, that is the end.
confusion over FDA approval - what's the story?
approval just to comirnaty - but they want to use existing supplies of pfizer EUA vaxxes.
CAF - approval one does exist, so any injection we get now is EUA, right?
Palmer - They make an artificial distinction. THEREFORE: Hard for people to know whether they are being injected under EUA (liability exemption) or comirnaty (no exemption). Has been used in EU.
1:19 CAF asks Palmer how this approval differs from normal approval
Palmer - 3 mos, no advisory cmte needed bc there is no reason for concern re safety, no issues looked at - --signoff was by Malarky and Gruber (bullshit and greed) - are they even real people?--
see QUOTES at the start
What do vaxxed do now?
Palmer - STOP Now - slowly, over time, effects will be eliminated fro the body.
What can we do to prevent the rollout of vax passports?
CAF - go to PHysicians for Covid Ethics
work with local govt reps - do NOT allow vaccine passports to go into effect
We don't have to go along with this - the pullback is now EXTRAORDINARY.
We have to understand we are marching into a trap - stop and say now.