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The WI-38 female stem cell line was extracted from the lung tissue of an aborted three month old female fetus. The fetus was the result of an elective abortion by a Swedish woman in 1962, and was then used without her permission or knowledge. Get that in your hard drive. The aborted stem cell line contained in the jab was the result of murder, theft and sorcery.
The other stem cell line present in the injection is the MRC-5 male stem cell line In this instance, the stem cells were extracted from the lung tissue of a fourteen week male fetus aborted in 1966.
When the WI-38 stem cell line is injected into a male, the female Y chromosome conflicts with the natural X chromosome of the male and can lead to hormonal gender confusion and a lack of desire to procreate. If the man feels like he’s a woman, trapped in mans body, the propensity to be attracted to the opposite sex is eliminated. And within one generation, the man’s paternal lineage is eliminated. Multiplied by billions of COVID19 vaccines, the world’s population could be reduced drastically in a couple of decades.
Conversely, when the MRC-5 male stem cell line is introduced into a female, the male X chromosome conflicts with the natural Y chromosome of the female and can lead to hormonal gender confusion and the lack of a natural maternal desire to have children.
=Later: Now not sure this article holds water=
looked more closely at hydra vulgaris - and also at this article. Discussed in last /qrb/ bread - #656:
On closer inspection, it's suspect.
Says scientific-sounding things but doesn't provide much sauce. And doesn't really tie its statements together. Or directly to vaxxes.
ALSO: Its arguments are just too perfect for playing into our assumption.
SO - as it stands - mebbe more like FEAR PRON than info.