Turns out the National Genome Research Institute has a whole project devoted to this organism titled the Hydra 2.0 Genome Project Portal and has several Universities engaged in the study of this organism, a strain of which has been created from a single polyp picked up from a Japanese swamp.
The University of California at Davis received a 1.5 million dollar grant in 2018 from the National Science Foundation’s EDGE (Enabling Discovery Through Genomic Tools) program to further study the Hydra Vulgaris and probe its gene sequences and neural networks (the creature has no brain but has neural networks) while studying its unique regeneration of neurons.
Dr. Madej also mentions that she found that the hydra vulgaris is being studied in cancer research in mRNA usage for drug delivery along with gold nanorobots and DNA-coated gold nanoparticles, as in this article: DNA – Coated gold nanoparticles for the detection of mRNA in live Hydra vulgaris animals.
Clearly, she says this opens up a new field of inquiry for all serious researchers regarding how these organisms are being used and studied in the Human Genome Project, their connections to the Humans 2.0 transhumanism project, and their implications for the current ongoing conversion of human biology to transhuman biology–a non-consented human-transformation project which really should be named a major scientific Crime Against Humanity.
This latter, Dr. Christiane Northrup notes, is something that has been ongoing for a long time through the aerosols, the water, the chem trails: we probably all have these and other organisms, she says–both actual biological organisms and parasites at the micro level, as well as synthetic biology with AI-fibres or carbon nanotubes, Morgellons’ fibres–in our bodies and we all need to work on removing these parasites from our bodies. She mentions detox protocols from Gene Decode (Blessed 2 Teach) and alfalfa baths to draw out the organisms.
Notably, the Carnicom Disclosure Project has been revealing the findings of transhumanism intentions from the aerosols–as evidenced in Morgellons fibres, strange syn-bio bacteria, and nanoparticulates and nanobiology found in rainwater, soil, blood, urine, tissue–for over twenty years now, and confirmation of what Dr. Northrup suggests can be found in Clifford Carnicom’s reports and papers, as discussed here earlier.