They are using pandemic and vaccines to set up a HUMAN TRACKING SYSTEM - see cap for examples of 3 people's scores
Like a form of contact tracing that takes into account EVERYTHING to determine who needs another injection - like WHETHER YOU ATTEND RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS. Might be a super spreader
--BH: COVID has been cover for the imposition of this TRACKING SYSTEM and SOCIAL CREDIT SCORING.--
HOW THEY THINK: By being a human being, you are infectious.
BH: If a bunch of like-minded people get together, it will flag that group to get a booster soon. Or make them sick/dead.
PROPHYLACTIC TREATMENT defined asa preventtive measure taken to fend off a kisease or another unwanted consequence
They can also inject you with a microorganism.
Gov't may mandate that we have to download an APP to help gov't with logistics of vax procedures.
They can track whether or not you have a mask on your face, washing your hands, exercising, etc.
Discussion: If you're too disobedient, you may be deemed a superspreader. May need high potency vax!
--[got furious listening to POS Blinken talk about 'democracy' when it means 'DEMONCRACY]'--
KK: this is already organized. Their job is to convince us that America is evil. Those who believe in the Constitution have no place in this world. They just to take our America and our allies - 10 countries. Purpose of vax is NOT to prevent disease.
K's website:
they are looking for patriots who know of children have been hurt by any vax.