2021-10-16... png
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Letter from Dr. Michael Palmer re MANDATED VAX at his university
Assoc Prof of Biochemistry
Dept of Chemistry
U of Waterloo
Waterloo Ontario
October 14, 2021
This letter is to inform you that I categorically refuse to comply with any of the COVID vaccine-related mandates imposed on its employees by the University of Waterloo:
- I will not declare my COVID vaccination status, although you may be able to guess (see also point 3 below).
- I will not attend any of the virtual COVID re-education camps organized by UW’s or the province’s quack doctors and public health shamans in-chief. As an MD with board certification in medical microbiology, I consider myself sufficiently informed on the subject.
- I will not let myself be injected with any of the ineffective and poisonous concoctions that are misrepresented to the public as COVID vaccines.
- I will not ask for any “accommodation” or “exemption,” because doing so would only legitimize the lawless measures imposed by UW officials.
- I will not play for time by asking for medical leave due to distress or anxiety. I thankfully am in good health and retain my usual capacity for work.
I fully expect that my decision will result in sanctions against me, as spelled out in the weekly reminder so thoughtfully sent out by “UW Communications:”
Employees will be subject to progressive remedial action ranging from actions such as changes to required duties, placement on leave and/or other sanctions up to and including termination of employment.
These threats will not induce me to change my mind; nor do I expect this letter to change yours. My reason for writing is simply to give you some time to decide how you will deal with the two classes (Chem 430/Pharmacology and Chem 432/Advanced metabolism) which I am currently teaching.
Should the UW Revolutionary Council have resolved that all refuseniks must be relieved of their duties immediately after the vaccination deadline, that is, halfway through the term, then it will be best if you immediately start looking for someone to take over my classes. I am prepared to fully cooperate with that person or those persons, so as to minimize the disruption for the students in my classes. On the other hand, should I be permitted to serve out the term, I would appreciate a note from you to that effect....