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Have you caught “the worst cold ever”?
Recent days have seen high numbers of complaints about the flu-like cold that’s being described as a “super cold”, with GPs reporting an increase in patients describing Covid-like symptoms despite negative PCR tests.
Figures from the UK Health Security Agency showed that 111 calls about colds and flu, a cough, or difficulty breathing are on the rise. The call volume is reported as being above expected levels, and there has been a particular increase from patients aged 15 to 44....
Didn't Dr. Ryan Cole recently notice a DROP in killer t cells in vaxxed patients?
After vaxxing, there's a drop in killer t cells.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/DGWQ6SOdMuSG/ [Embed]
Function of Killer T cells
"Inside our lungs exist long-lived killer T cells that recognize specific viruses and protect us against re-infection, should we encounter the virus again. Our results have elucidated the manner by which these cells 'see' the virus upon re-infection and provide rapid immunity" ....
When we are first exposed to bacteria or viruses, such as influenza, one type of our immune cells, known as-- killer T cells--, destroy infected cells to prevent the spread of the disease. Once the pathogen is cleared, these experienced killer T cells (also called killer --"memory" T cells--) remain in our body long-term, and "remember" previous invaders
These killer memory T cells enable our immune systems to more rapidly respond to a second attack and effectively provide long-term protective immunity against the invader, a fundamental concept behind vaccination.