> 09./11.04.1989
> Representatives of SA, Angola and Cuba in the Joint Monitoring Commission, with US (Chester Crocker), Soviet (Anatoly Adamishin) [Before the Soviet Union’s ‘fall’], and UNTAG observation, meet at Mount Etjo to salvage the independence plan.

> Both De Beers and Anglo American were obviously enormously enamored with Crocker. By 1990 [the year Mandela was released], they had appointed him as a director of Minorco, which was based in Luxembourg and “the main overseas investor for Oppenheimer funds”

“Memorandum of Conversation Between Assistant Secretary Chester Crocker and Anatoly Adamishin. Subject: Southern Africa”


Below is an excerpt

Date: May 29, 1988
Place: Foreign Ministry Guest House, Moscow
Participants: 	Chester Crocker, Assistant Secretary, US Dept. of State
		Anatoly Adamishin, Deputy Ministre, USSR MFA
		Priscilla Clapp, A/PolCouns, US Embassy, Moscow
		Vasillen Vasev, Director, 3rd African Dept., USSR MFA
		Soviet interpreter

In Fact, Admishin seaid, Luanda has asked Moscow to tell the U.S. during the Summit that Angola was ready for trilateral economic cooperation with the U.S. and Soviet Union in three specific areas: diamonds, gold, and ferrous metals. (Adamishin asked that Crocker keep this to himself until it had been raised at higher levels in the course of the Summit.)